Building a New Legacy with Maltimur

Monday, 29 June 2020, Kuching – How time flies! It’s nearly one month since Maltimur moved to its new home at Ban Hock Road. Nearly one month since the 3rd batch of hires joined Maltimur. Nearly one month after having built a legacy of starting Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak, the dream that Sarawakians waited over 50 years to become a reality.
From here on, We are Maltimur, and Maltimur is Us.
As team members of Maltimur, it’s important that you know our Vision (what we aspire to be / where are we heading to), and our Mision (how we will get there). I suggest you keep the following handy. Know it well, make it your own, and make it a reality!
Our Vision
To be the Project Delivery Leader in Infrastructure Development
Our Mission
Adding value to project delivery performance through best practices in infrastructure project
management, construction technology, innovation and people
Our Tagline
Connecting for Growth
It’s an exciting time to be in business, especially in Sarawak. With COVID-19, the new normal of life and work is quite different from before. For the brave, such ‘disruptions’ to the norm are seen as opportunities, not threats.
Similarly, for Maltimur, it’s an exciting time to be in business. Around us, the Sarawak Government has outlined a strong direction to build a thriving society of high income to attain an advanced state status by the year 2030. The Chief Minister announced that the focus will be on 14 economic sectors and enablers, supported by 5 key levers.
If all this is too much to digest, the important part for you and me to know is that infrastructure development and improving connectivity is a key lever to move Sarawak forward. Infrastructure development is OUR business! The opportunity is there-in roads, rail and water.
So the question is, “Are you one of the brave ones to push Maltimur forward to become THE project delivery leader in infrastructure development?” Count me in! We’ve done it before – together, we built a legacy in the Pan Borneo Highway Sarawak. With our valuable experience and track-record to fast-track project delivery, we are sure that together, we can go on to build more legacies for Sarawak, our children and our grandchildren.
We need all hands on deck now! Maltimur is counting on you!